

    enum { ... } - describe a SILC Config error


The virtual integer `errno' is returned by the silc_config_main() function and indicates what went wrong. You can convert it to the corresponding error string with the function silc_config_strerror().


enum {
  SILC_CONFIG_OK,               /* OK */
  SILC_CONFIG_ESILENT,          /* Error defined by callback function */
  SILC_CONFIG_EPRINTLINE,       /* Error defined by callback function */
  SILC_CONFIG_EGENERIC,         /* Invalid syntax */
  SILC_CONFIG_EINTERNAL,        /* Internal Error (caused by developer) */
  SILC_CONFIG_ECANTOPEN,        /* Can't open specified file */
  SILC_CONFIG_EOPENBRACE,       /* Expected open-brace '{' */
  SILC_CONFIG_ECLOSEBRACE,      /* Missing close-brace '}' */
  SILC_CONFIG_ETYPE,            /* Invalid data type */
  SILC_CONFIG_EBADOPTION,       /* Unknown option */
  SILC_CONFIG_EINVALIDTEXT,     /* Invalid text */
  SILC_CONFIG_EDOUBLE,          /* Double option specification */
  SILC_CONFIG_EEXPECTED,        /* Expected data but not found */
  SILC_CONFIG_EEXPECTEDEQUAL,   /* Expected '=' */
  SILC_CONFIG_EUNEXPECTED,      /* Unexpected data */
  SILC_CONFIG_EMISSFIELDS,      /* Missing mandatory fields */
  SILC_CONFIG_EMISSCOLON,       /* Missing ';' */