

    typedef enum { ... } SilcFileMode;


A file mode bits that specify the file's mode, type and protection in the SilcFileStat context.


typedef enum {
  /* Type */
  SILC_FILE_IFDIR     = 0x00000001,  /* Entry is directory */
  SILC_FILE_IFCHR     = 0x00000002,  /* Entry is character device */
  SILC_FILE_IFBLK     = 0x00000004,  /* Entry is block device */
  SILC_FILE_IFREG     = 0x00000008,  /* Entry is regular file */
  SILC_FILE_IFIFO     = 0x00000010,  /* Entry is FIFO */
  SILC_FILE_IFLNK     = 0x00000020,  /* Entry is symbolic link */
  SILC_FILE_IFSOCK    = 0x00000040,  /* Entry is socket */

  /* Protection */
  SILC_FILE_IRUSR     = 0x00000080,  /* Owner has read permission */
  SILC_FILE_IWUSR     = 0x00000100,  /* Owner has write permission */
  SILC_FILE_IXUSR     = 0x00000200,  /* Owner has execute permission */
  SILC_FILE_IRGRP     = 0x00000400,  /* Group has read permission */
  SILC_FILE_IWGRP     = 0x00000800,  /* Group has write permission */
  SILC_FILE_IXGRP     = 0x00001000,  /* Group has execute permission */
  SILC_FILE_IROTH     = 0x00002000,  /* Others have read permission */
  SILC_FILE_IWOTH     = 0x00004000,  /* Others have write permission */
  SILC_FILE_IXOTH     = 0x00008000,  /* Others have execute permission */
} SilcFileMode;