

    silc_net_tcp_create_listener2(const char *local_ip_addr, int *ports,
                                  SilcUInt32 port_count,
                                  SilcBool ignore_port_error,
                                  SilcBool lookup, SilcBool require_fqdn,
                                  SilcSchedule schedule,
                                  SilcNetCallback callback, void *context);


This function creates TCP listener. This is used to create network listener for incoming connections, and `callback' will be called everytime new connection is received. If `local_ip_addr' is NULL 'any' address is used. If `ports' is NULL or it contains a zero (0) port, operating system will define it automatically. This function can be used to bind to many ports at the same time. If `ignore_port_error' is TRUE this won't return NULL if at least one of the ports could be bound. Otherwise, NULL will be returned on error.

If `require_fqdn' is TRUE the listener will require that the incoming connection has FQDN to be able to connect. If the `lookup' is TRUE then the incoming connection hostname will be resolved.

The `callback' always delivers valid new stream. It is not called with an error status. If `schedule' is NULL this will call silc_schedule_get_global to try to get global scheduler.