SilcBool silc_socket_stream_set_qos(SilcStream stream, SilcUInt32 read_rate, SilcUInt32 read_limit_bytes, SilcUInt32 limit_sec, SilcUInt32 limit_usec)
Sets a "Quality of Service" settings for socket stream `stream'. The `read_rate' specifies the maximum read operations per second. If more read operations are executed the limit will be applied for the reading. The `read_limit_bytes' specifies the maximum data that is read. It is guaranteed that silc_stream_read never returns more than `read_limit_bytes' of data. The `limit_sec' and `limit_usec' specifies the time limit that is applied if `read_rate' and/or `read_limit_bytes' is reached. If all arguments except `stream' are zero this resets the QoS from the socket stream, all QoS data for this socket stream that may be pending will be cancelled.