

    SilcFSM silc_fsm_alloc(void *fsm_context,
                           SilcFSMDestructor destructor,
                           void *destructor_context,
                           SilcSchedule schedule);


Allocates SILC Finite State Machine context. The `destructor' with `destructor_context' will be called when the machines finishes. The caller must free the returned context with silc_fsm_free. The `fsm_context' is delivered to every FSM state function. The `schedule' is the caller's scheduler and the FSM will be run in the scheduler. If `schedule' is NULL this will call silc_schedule_get_global to try get global scheduler. Returns NULL on error or if system is out of memory and sets silc_errno.


    SilcAsyncOperation silc_async_call(Callback callback, void *cb_context)
      SilcAsyncOperation op;
      SilcFSM fsm;

      // Allocate async operation so that caller can control us, like abort
      op = silc_async_alloc(silc_async_call_abort, NULL, ourcontext);

      // Start FSM
      fsm = silc_fsm_alloc(ourcontext, fsm_destructor, ourcontext,
      silc_fsm_start(fsm, first_state);

      // Return async operation for upper layer
      return op;