

    SilcHashTable silc_hash_table_alloc(SilcStack stack,
                                        SilcUInt32 table_size,
                                        SilcHashFunction hash,
                                        void *hash_user_context,
                                        SilcHashCompare compare,
                                        void *compare_user_context,
                                        SilcHashDestructor destructor,
                                        void *destructor_user_context,
                                        SilcBool auto_rehash);


Allocates new hash table and returns it. If the `stack' is non-NULL the hash table is allocated from `stack'. If the `table_size' is not zero then the hash table size is the size provided. If zero then the default size will be used. Note that if the `table_size' is provided it should be a prime. The `hash', `compare' and `destructor' are the hash function, the key comparison function and key and context destructor function, respectively. The `hash' is mandatory, the others are optional. Returns NULL if system is out of memory.