

    SilcBool silc_hash_table_find_ext(SilcHashTable ht, void *key,
                                      void **ret_key, void **ret_context,
                                      SilcHashFunction hash,
                                      void *hash_user_context,
                                      SilcHashCompare compare,
                                      void *compare_user_context);


Finds the entry in the hash table by the provided `key' as fast as possible. Return TRUE if the entry was found and FALSE otherwise. The found entry is returned to the `ret_key' and `ret_context', respectively. If the `ret_key and `ret_context' are NULL then this maybe used only to check whether given key exists in the table.

The `hash' and `hash_user_context' are application specified hash function. If not provided the hash table's default is used. The `compare' and `compare_user_context' are application specified comparing function. If not provided the hash table's default is used.