SilcThread silc_thread_create(SilcThreadStart start_func, void *context, SilcBool waitable);
Creates a new thread. The `start_func' with `context' will be called if the thread was created. This function returns a pointer to the thread or NULL if the thread could not be created. All resources of the returned pointer is freed automatically when the thread exits.
If the `waitable' is set to TRUE then another thread can wait this thread's destruction with silc_thread_wait. If it is set to FALSE the thread is not waitable.
If the `waitable' is TRUE the thread's resources are not freed when it exits until another thread has issued silc_thread_wait. If the `waitable' is TRUE then another thread must always issue silc_thread_wait to avoid memory leaks.
On Symbian Cleanup Stack is created and new Active Scheduler is installed automatically for the created thread. The thread also shares heap with the calling thread.