

    SilcThreadPool silc_thread_pool_alloc(SilcStack stack,
                                          SilcUInt32 min_threads,
                                          SilcUInt32 max_threads,
                                          SilcBool start_min_threads);


Allocate thread pool with at least `min_threads' and at most `max_threads' many threads. If `start_min_threads' is TRUE this will start `min_threads' many threads immediately. Returns the thread pool context or NULL on error. If `stack' is non-NULL memory is allocated from `stack'. When the thread pool is freed the memory is returned to `stack'.


    // Start thread pool, by default it has 0 threads.
    pool = silc_thread_pool_alloc(NULL, 0, 5, FALSE);

    // Function to execute in a thread
    void my_func(SilcSchedule schedule, void *context)
      MyContext mycontext = context;

    // Execute code in a thread in the pool
    silc_thread_pool_run(pool, TRUE, NULL, my_func, my_context, NULL, NULL);