

    typedef struct { ... } *SilcTime, SilcTimeStruct;


This context represents time value. It includes date and time down to millisecond precision. The structure size is 64 bits.


typedef struct SilcTimeObject {
  unsigned int year       : 15;    /* Year,     0 - 32768 */
  unsigned int month      : 4;     /* Month,    1 - 12 */
  unsigned int day        : 5;     /* Day,      1 - 31 */
  unsigned int hour       : 5;     /* Hour,     0 - 23 */
  unsigned int minute     : 6;     /* Minute,   0 - 59 */
  unsigned int second     : 6;     /* Second,   0 - 61 */
  unsigned int msecond    : 10;    /* Millisec, 0 - 1000 */
  unsigned int utc_hour   : 5;     /* Offset to Zulu (UTC) hours */
  unsigned int utc_minute : 6;     /* Offset to Zulu (UTC) minutes */
  unsigned int utc_east   : 1;     /* Offset, 1 east (+), 0 west (-) */
  unsigned int dst        : 1;     /* Set if daylight saving time */
} *SilcTime, SilcTimeStruct;