SilcBool silc_time_generalized(const char *generalized_time, SilcTime ret_time);
Returns time and date as SilcTime from `generalized_time' string which format is "YYYYMMDDhhmmss.ppZ", where YYYY is year, MM is month, DD is day, hh is hour, mm is minutes, ss is seconds which may have optional precision pp, and Z is timezone, which by default is Zulu (UTC). Generalized time is defined in ISO/EIC 8824-1.
Returns FALSE on error, TRUE otherwise.
SilcTimeStruct ret_time; time is 2003/02/19 19:04:03 Zulu (UTC) silc_time_generalized("20030219190403Z", &ret_time); time is 2003/02/19 19:05:10.212 Zulu (UTC) silc_time_generalized("20030219190510.212Z", &ret_time);